“I wished I could be writing you under happier circumstances but I cannot because two of my very good friends, (John and Kelly Travolta) the sweetest people in the world, have just encountered the worst possible tragedy a parent could be forced to endure, the death of their son Jett.
“My heart is crying and bleeding for them. I personally would not have it in me to bury my own child. I am writing this because I have noticed that for the most part, people and the media have been very sympathetic and respectful, but there are those certain ones that want to use this horrible tragedy as an opportunity to once again, blame and or attack Scientology?”
“Folks, as popular as it has been to discriminate and ridicule Scientology and Scientologist’s in the recent past , Now is NOT the time. I realize that there is a lot of mis information out there about the subject which has caused a lot of stone throwing but we are not still in the dark ages and it is still an Unconstitutional Injustice to partake in and encourage such condemnation.
“Among most of the crazy made up garbage that goes around about it , It is not true that Scientologist’s ‘Don’t believe in’ medical care, medicine or medical Doctors and that may have something to do with this terrible tragedy. Just like anyone else, if one is sick, they go to the doctor, If a medication will make it better then they take it. If they don’t then they are an idiot and you can’t blame their religion. Whatever medical and or physical condition Jett had, I can tell you first hand that his parents were on a tireless, never ending quest to get and provide him with the absolute best care anyone could ever ask for and need, Medically, physically, emotionally, medicinally and spiritually.
“I am not writing this to preach my beliefs, I am here to protect my friends. To the few of you out there that this may apply to, Let’s not use the tragic death of a child to facilitate your insatiable need to attack and destroy Scientology shall we? John and Kelly have done nothing but spend their lives and their time helping others, making people happy and making peoples lives better. Please let this family grieve in peace. ~LMP”
Lisa, 40, also had this to say about her 3-month-old twin girls Harper and Finley: “PS, I am so sorry it has been such a long time since I have written. I have just been soaking up the love and the happiness that these two little babies have brought us. More on that soon…….:) Thank you so much for all of your well wishes. I love and miss you very much. I’ll be in touch.”
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